Bay Area Rivian Club
While we waited for deliveries, between refreshing the rivian.com page, checking our email for updates and waiting for our guide to be assigned, we found various sites to talk to other Rivian enthusiasts, including the wonderful community at s00n.rivianstories.com.
There, we could share our hopes and dreams and any news that trickled in about the vehicles we all fantasized would be delivered . . . soon! As that day came for each of us–slowly at first–we were assigned our Rivian guide, followed by the 8-steps, and then finally a delivery appointment.
As we received our Rivians, many of us realized we wanted to actually go on all those adventures we had talked about online with the people we had been talking to, and thus the Bay Area Rivian Club was formed. Whether you have giggled with joy experiencing a Launch, looked curiously at these vehicles from afar, or have gotten your Rivian so dirty there are spots of mud you are still finding, this is a place for you to come and play so that we can all:
“Stay Adventurous”
Join us at one of our many events around the nation! Get to know other Rivian owners and fans in your area. Whether it be a cars and coffee event, trail cleanup, or getting off the pavement to find adventure, there’s an event for everyone!

Join us on Heylo
The Bay Area Rivian Club (BARC) is the official chapter of Rivian Clubs of America for the San Francisco Bay Area.
Join us on Heylo to connect with your fellow Rivian owners, participate in off-road training, community service, and social events, and foster a vibrant EV community. Together, we “Stay Adventurous” while discovering the full potential of our Rivian vehicles!
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